MiA model project
Integration course supporting courses
Integration courses should support participants in acquiring German language skills in order to be able to communicate and participate in society. However, unresolved problems (housing and job search, lack of social networks, etc.) and cultural differences can stand in the way of successful learning and participants would like more support in this regard.
The model project of integration course supporting courses helps to consolidate what has been learned in the long term and creates a safe space in which emerging difficulties and problems can be discussed. In order to provide a protected framework, the courses are offered in gender-homogeneous groups for women and men. Participants have the opportunity to discuss sensitive issues and experiences, share their concerns and fears, strengthen each other and receive support in overcoming problems.
Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) in cooperation with the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), the fka – Freundeskreis für Asyl Karlsruhe e.V. is developing a concept over a period of three years that will significantly improve the regularity and sustainability of course participation and thus exam success. The following topics are covered, which can be adapted according to the group’s needs:
- Gender: reflecting on gender roles, biography work,
Change of perspective - Learning: skills training, homework support, learning techniques, Learning café
- Using resources: Time management, concentration training, working with, with aids
- Everyday life: media skills, parenting, coping with exam nerves, stress management
Participation is free of charge.
Start of parent integration course: 25.01.2022
Start of integration course supporting courses: still to be announced
Email: Ik-mia@fka-ka.de
Tel.: 0176 973 414 82
Parent integration course registration: