Stand up for Positive Change!
Empowerment Workshop about Self-Organization with Fadhumo Musa
Aan u wadaistaagno isbedel fiican — Waxaad u baahan tahay macluumaad kaas oo ah awood — Soo baxa aan wadahadalno oo aan wax wadacunno — Aynu ku midoobno tallaabo nawadacawiso — Waxaan isku dhiirigelin doonaa midba midka kale — Waxaan idinkacodsanaynaa inaad soo wadabaxdan dhamaan — Waad mahadsantihin.
In this workshop newcomers will be asked to explore ways to best organise themselves as an individual and how to navigate challenging cultural differences in order to integrate into society. The workshop participants will also be informed about the different opportunities and possibilities of self-empowerment. The trainer will encourage them to share thoughts about their life goals, dreams, wishes and vision. She will also discuss possible challenges concerning integration and inclusion while helping participants understand their roles as newcomers.
Setzen wir uns gemeinsam für positiven Wandel und Erneuerung ein! — Dafür brauchen wir konstruktive Gespräche und Informationen — Lassen Sie uns zusammen kommen, diskutieren, lachen und essen — Gute Aktivitäten verbinden uns alle — Wir werden uns gegenseitig ermutigen und aufbauen — Sie sind herzlich eingeladen! Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme!
Veranstaltungsflyer/Event flyer
Mesha lagukulmayo ∕ Location ∕ Veranstaltungsort:
Benjamin Franklin Village Freizeithalle, Columbusstraße 50, 68309 Mannheim
Saacadha lakulmayo ∕ Time ∕ Zeit:
10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Dienstag ∕ Tuesday 2017–11–7: Somaali–Workshop
- Mittwoch ∕ Wednesday 2017–11–8: Somaali–Talks and Discussions
- Donnerstag ∕ Thursday 2017–11–9: Bewohnerbeirat–Workshop
Martida ∕ Guest ∕ Gast:

Fadhumo Musa, born in Somalia, raised in Kenya and currently living in Berlin. She is a social worker, consultant, freelancing speaker and activist. She intends to motivate and inspire her audience. Her focus areas are: human rights, integration of newcomers into the society and labour market, women empowerment and community inclusion.